Support Ashley Hall's Annual Campaign: The Loyalty Fund-十大网赌平台推荐

Loyalty Fund Giving Levels

Ashley Hall Loyalty Fund | Charleston, South Carolina

Give Now

By making a gift to the Loyalty Fund, Ashley Hall’s vital annual campaign, your philanthropic actions have immediate impact. Gifts to the Loyalty Fund support the experience of every Ashley Hall girl—every day, providing funding for signature programs that tuition cannot cover. Ashley Hall’s entire community rallies to support the school’s Loyalty Fund. Parents, grandparents, alumnae and parents of alumnae, faculty, staff and friends all give to this initiative.

Developing the full potential of every student at Ashley Hall is possible because of your continue support. Your gift will strengthen every aspect of the Ashley Hall educational experience empowering our girls to become bold leaders, creative doers and global citizens.

Loyalty Fund Giving Levels



The 1909 Society honors donors who annually give $1,909 or more to the Loyalty Fund.

The 1909 Society

$10,000 and up | Founders’ Circle
$7,500-$9,999 | Head of School’s Circle
$5,000-$7,499 | Trustees’ Circle
$3,000-$4,999 | Benefactors’ Circle
$1,909-$2,999 | Patrons’ Circle
$500– $1,908 | Shell House Circle (Classes 2007–2017)

Friends of Ashley Hall Giving Levels:

$1,000-$1,908 | Spiral Club
$500-$999 | Gateway Club
$100-$499 | Century Club
Up to $99 | Purple and White Society

For more information about the Loyalty Fund, please contact:

Stephanie Glasscock | Director of the Loyalty Fund | [email protected] | (843) 965-8479

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Loyalty Fund support?

The Loyalty Fund, our School’s annual giving program, is the cornerstone of philanthropy at Ashley Hall. The largest fundraising effort of the year, it bridges the gap between tuition income and the School’s operating expenses. The Loyalty Fund directly supports all students and faculty, ongoing technology enhancements, facility improvements, and other School priorities. If you wish, you may direct your gift to the arts, athletics, academics, or area of greatest need.

Doesn’t tuition cover all expenses?

Full tuition pays for only a portion of the actual cost of providing an exceptional academic program tailored to the needs of each girl. The financial model that underpins the School’s operation depends on three principal sources of revenue: endowment income, tuition revenue, and the generosity of alumnae, parents, and friends through the Loyalty Fund. Your annual support is a vital component of that financial equation.

I support my child’s classroom, purchase performance and event tickets, and contribute to Ashley Hall’s community philanthropic efforts. Why should I also give to the Loyalty Fund?

Your support of the Loyalty Fund is vitally important to the financial stability of the School. Loyalty fund gifts, which are 100 percent tax deductible, are designated for day-to-day operating expenses, as well as to fund the many signature programs that distinguish Ashley Hall.

Does it matter when I make my gift? May I pledge now and pay later?

Yes and yes! A gift or pledge made early in the school year is a great advantage to the School for budgeting purposes. Because of this, we ask donors to make their pledges by December 31. Pledges may be fulfilled over the course of the school year with final payment due by June 30.

May I pay my gift in installments?

Certainly! Rather than making your gift all at once, you may set up your contribution to be paid over several months up until June 30. This is called a Recurring Gift and can be established by calling (843) 965-8479 or through the online giving page when you are asked about payment.

If I can only make a small gift, is it really worth it?

You bet it is! Large gifts are absolutely essential to Ashley Hall’s success, but so are modest ones. You are encouraged to give in a range that is comfortable for your family, remembering that our gifts, when combined, add up to provide critical support for the School. Your support sends a powerful message that you believe in this institution and its educational program.

How do corporate matching gift programs work, and how can I find out if my employer has such a program?

Many companies will supplement employee charitable gifts with matches of their own, thereby increasing the total amount of funds donated to the School. Donors who are able to use these corporate giving programs are credited with the full amount of their gifts PLUS the matching funds, thereby qualifying for higher gift recognition. Your human resources office will be able to let you know if your company has such a program and can supply you with a very simple form to complete and mail to Ashley Hall with your gift.

How will my gift be recognized?

Gifts of all sizes are important and are recognized in the School’s online Annual Report. Ashley Hall is especially grateful to leadership donors, who provided 65 percent of the total dollars raised last year. Donors of $1,909 or more are members of The 1909 Society and are recognized in Ashley Hall’s printed Annual Report as well as invited to a special leadership reception in the fall.

How do I make a gift?

Please make your check payable to Ashley Hall and mail to 172 Rutledge Avenue, Charleston, SC 29403. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express charges and gifts of securities are welcome. You may also make a credit card gift online by clicking on the button below.

Give Online

What if I need more information?

Contact Stephanie Glasscock, Director of The Loyalty Fund and Parent Engagement at (843) 965-8479 or [email protected].

Connect with us

Ashley Hall is a K-12 independent school for girls, with a co-ed preschool, committed to a talented and diverse student population. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.
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